All a Facade

Facades – Internal conflicts – Fitting in

The scenario centers around the social facade that almost all people hold up in today’s society. Whatever your dreams, visions and dark secrets might be, you don’t show them to your peers. No matter how bad we feel the answer is always “Just fine” when someone asks how we feel. No matter how much we may yearn to just be ourselves, we still put on the facade.

In three different scenes we meet the same couples who all carry their own secrets within. For each scene they all come closer to reveal their true self instead of the facade they usually show off. The scenario centers around the characters’ inner struggle between the facade and their “true selves”.

By: Simon Larsson
Duration: 4 hours
Number of players: 6 or 8
Rising star 2013 – New scenario!

Download the scenario in Swedish here or in English here.